#technically akuji
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allmightyscroll-swag · 1 year ago
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Close call....
For the past few days I've been absolutely hit with the comic urge and this is the result :) some nice Rey lore <3
Im sure this is nothing. What do you mean that box looks evil? It's just a little quirky, I swear.
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karmahasagun · 5 months ago
Campaign Arc 1 (sessions 1-12)
(As a note, this summary focuses primarily on Eries herself, and will cover important events to her story first and foremost. If you have questions about the other characters, I'd suggest talking to their players/the DM yourself here, or I can answer certain questions through asks with their permission)
Eries arrives in the city of Maya. She meets a pink-haired dwarven street performer named Coral, who has the same strange coin hanging from a necklace. She also meets a few other adventurers with the same coin as well: Astrid, a Satyr Rogue, Jura, a Half-Orc Barbarian, Mauve, a Tiefling Warlock, and Sayth, a Half-Orc Sorcerer.
This mismatched party of adventurers make their way to the religious district of Maya, into the temple dedicated to the Raven Queen, the Goddess of Death, and one of the "big three" of the pantheon of gods, along with the Phoenix (Goddess of Life), and the Vulture (God of the Dead). With Eries being a Raven Queen Paladin-in-training, she is able to get the party into the obsidian temple with ease.
Inside the temple, there are many Reapers, or reincarnated warriors and followers of the Raven Queen, who are tasked with recovering Soul Stones from the recently deceased. The party is introduced to a Reaper named Akuji. He recognizes Eries as a paladin-in-training and briefly talks with her about the Raven Queen's court, as well as explaining the function of the temple. Here, one can reconnect with souls of the dead (as long as their Soul Stone has been recovered and brought to a temple), as well as have a quiet and accepting place to mourn or meditate.
Many ravens fly around the temple. They serve a similar purpose to reapers, allowing for the quick gathering of Soul Stones from all over the continent. Jura and Astrid decide that they want to pet the bird, and the party is dragged up one of the temple's spires to an aerie. There, the party befriends a hooded raven, and names him Argen.
The party leaves the temple, and are confronted by an Aarakocran warrior named Fringille, who scolds Coral and says that the King wants to speak to her. Coral dramatically tells Fringille to lock her up for the crime of providing music to the town. Fringille eyes up the rest of the party, noticing the Mayan coins everyone carries, and insists everyone follows as well.
The castle at the center of Maya is carved directly into the mountainside. The party is escorted inside the throne room, and are introduced to King Aeroki of Maya, another Aarakocran. He looks regal, but wears no crown. Turns out that Coral is Aeroki's adopted daughter, and the Crown Princess of Maya, and Fringille is Coral's adopted sister and personal guard.
As it turns out, Aeroki put the coins out across the continent in hopes a group of curious adventurers would find them and come to investigate. He wants the party to find an ancient artifact called the Heart of the Sea, which is said to protect those near it from harmful magic. He hopes this mythical object will be able to protect Coral from her curse.
A certain curse ravages the lands of Inyoni, brought about by the Lich King in his attempt to create an unstoppable undead army. The Lich King was once a mortal warrior, chosen by the Vulture as his champion against the Phoenix and her own champion. When the Vulture fell from the pantheon a thousand years ago, it opened a power vacuum. This vacuum was filled partially by the ascension the Phoenix's chosen, who became the Raven Queen in the Vulture's place, and partially by the Lich King becoming nigh-immortal using undead magics. Without the Vulture around to allow souls into the afterlife, it became the Raven Queen's job to gather them and keep them safe until he was found and restored to power, but she and her Reapers aren't perfect, and many souls have been lost and corrupted by the Lich King's undead curse.
Coral has this curse, though it's still in its early stages, but it will slowly kill her if a solution isn't found. Hence, Aeroki's quest to find a magic item only spoken about in legend.
Aeroki didn't plan on Coral finding one of the coins, though, and she insists on going on this adventure with the party. Aeroki reluctantly agrees, as long as Fringille accompanies her.
Aeroki provides the party with what information he has about the myth of the Heart of the Sea. Basically, the Heart is an incredibly powerful version of the "Protection from Good and Evil" spell. It also is said to be guarded by a warrior named Blackheart.
The party spends a few days exploring Maya and gathering supplies before setting off. During this time, they learn more about the pantheon.
The Fates exist above the pantheon, and weave the story of the world from an outside perspective. In a way, they are Gods worshipped by the Gods themselves. As for some minor deities: Amu, the Goddess of the Moon, the Truth, and Dreams. Rue, the God of Deception and Secrets, and the brother of Amu.
It's not really important to the plot at all, but I need to make a note that Astrid stole a weed potion off a drug dealer and literally five minutes later purposely threw it out a window and broke it. So we didn't get to get high. Incredibly sad day.
Akuji gives Eries two of his feathers, which, when broken, will basically send out a signal to him and all other nearby Reapers of her exact location.
The following night, Akuji performs a small ritual. Technically he qualifies as a Deva, and as such, is mentally bonded with an Aasimar. Eries is also bonded to a Deva, but it stopped communicating with her after Silterra burned down, for reasons she doesn't know. As it turns out, they're bonded to each other unknowingly. Akuji thought Eries was dead, given that the town she was in was burned and she wasn't there by the time the Reapers arrived to assess the damage and collect the souls of those who died. So Akuji pulls Eries into a sort-of dream realm and is like "holy shit it's you you're alive" and Eries is like "bro what the FUCK-"
Prior to this, Eries had been with the party at the castle, and as soon as she snaps back to herself, she takes off towards the Raven Queen's temple without explaining anything. Cue Eries freaking out, and Akuji just being happy she's here.
The following day, Aeroki decides to interrogate each party member individually to assess their motives on accepting this adventure before we finally set off.
Upon entering Aeroki's room, Eries notices that he has a small shrine to Rue set up. Upon questioning, Aeroki explains that he has that there to protect himself and his family from a great evil. He does not elaborate.
Eries explains to him that she's looking for someone, but with no real destination in mind, so she doesn't really mind where she goes. She also wants to help people, and if the Heart of the Sea really can do what he says, then it's absolutely worth looking into. Aeroki determines that Eries' motives are pure, and approves her spot in the party.
The rest of the party also has private talks with Aeroki, as do both Coral and Fringille.
Eries casts divine sense on Aeroki before leaving. He has no celestial or undead magic within him. In fact, he has no magic in him at all. It's almost like there's a gaping hole where his magic should be.
The party wishes Aeroki farewell. They run into Akuji on their way out of the city, and say goodbye as well. The party finally sets off on their adventure towards the Heart of the Sea.
Eries Lore Dump Thread
Eries (she/they) is an Aasimar. She never met her biological parents, and as such has almost no connection with her Celestial heritage. She was adopted at a very young age by a domestic lesbian couple, a Dwarf (whom Eries called Momma) and a Half-Elf (whom Eries called Mum).
Eries' moms also adopted an Elf, named Clover, who became Eries' brother. This family of 4 became everything Eries could ever want.
They lived together in a small village named Silterra, which was tucked into a valley between two mountains.
Eries always wanted to see the sunset, but due to Silterra's positioning, she was never really able to see it in full. When she was 16, she decided one evening to venture outside the village to see the sunset for herself. She was interrupted from her enjoyment of the scenery to the smell of smoke.
When she turned around to face Silterra, she found the entire village engulfed in bright blue flames.
Eries immediately rushes back to her home, and finds both of her moms dead, but is unable to find Clover at all. In the burning ruins of her home, Eries finds a journal written in Deep Speech, and a letter written by her Momma, which reads "They're looking for you, Eries, and please save Clover."
Many of the people from Eries' village went missing after the attack. It's a miracle her mothers' bodies were recoverable.
Eries didn't stick around Silterra for long after that. The village was in ruins, it became uninhabitable. She later learned that it was the Lich King who carried out the attack, a servant of the Vulture, the God of the Dead, who fell from grace centuries prior. Being the reigning champion over Death, the Lich King had become more powerful over the years, amassing an army of the undead. It was likely that many of the missing people from Silterra had been turned into undead soldiers.
Not long after leaving Silterra, Eries pledged herself to The Raven Queen, the Goddess of Death, with the goal of becoming a Paladin within Her Court. Eries traveled around Inyoni for about four years as a healer and mercenary, while also doing what she could to learn about the Lich King and try to figure out Clover's whereabouts. After about 3 years, she became convinced Clover was either dead or undead, and became less diligent on her search, only falling further into helping others as a substitute.
After helping an older woman recover from a mild illness, Eries was paid in a strange coin which bore the insignia of the Kingdom of Maya, and called for any adventurer to come to the castle to speak with the King himself. Curious, Eries decided to investigate.
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triskelion-soda · 4 years ago
Main oc's list
This is just a list of my main oc's, idk why I'm doing this but whatever. This doesn't include all of my oc's, because I have tons and tons of other oc's that I have, these are just the main ones with actual stories and such. This also doesn't include fandom oc's. I might explain them more in detail one day when I actually post them all here. BTW not all of them are related to eachothers stories.
Please note, a lot of my oc's stories have sensitive themes, including but not limited to: Abusive parents, self harm, depression, suicide, murder, etc. Please be careful!
EDIT: Seperated into sections for different universes/stories!
No More Happy Endings:
Adryel - Prince (well, technically king) of the cruel alien species the Axaloids, who convert humans into their own kind via breaking and killing them with the power of mental illness, residing on planet Chanotex. Overdramatic, show-offy, and incredibly bloodthirsty and sadistic. Almost always smiling.
Akuji - Impatient Axaloid who has a complicated relationship with Prince Adryel. She's incredibly impatient, irritable, and far too emotional for an average Axaloid. She both loathes and fears Adryel.
Kaarix - Human formerly known as Kate converted into an Axaloid by Akuji. However, Akuji didn't 'prepare' her properly for conversion, and as a result, she is incredibly deformed by axaloid standards, sometimes remembers her human life, and gets incredibly emotional or disobeys orders. She has the mindset of a teenager, and can be a bit nervous.
Human story:
Eden Fletcher - An easily flustered, nervous young man who is quite feminine, and rather timid. He has anxiety, paranoia, and PTSD from an abusive father as well as being kidnapped by Axel Monroe (mentioned further down the list). He is currently in a relationship with Vincent Aster (OC belonging to my friend Andy!).
Edric Michael Taylor - A tired, playful guy learning from his past mistakes. He used to be a not-so-nice guy, and bullied Eden in school, however he is improving as a person. He plays guitar, sings, and makes his own music under the alias Edric Green. He has depression and insomnia, is extremely hopeless in love and is very very single.
Anthony 'Ant' Taylor - Adopted brother of Edric, Ant works as a principle in a local school. His pregnant wife, Melissa, was murdered by Axel, and he is recovering. He and Edric are thick as thieves, and even have matching tattoos on their backs.
Douglas 'Doug' Christopher Morgan - Originally, a laid back and friendly man. But, after things went awry in his life and he got, long story short, turned into a murderer at the hands of Axel and The Superintendent, he's become violent and cruel. Apart from all his struggles, Doug is extremely thirsty and flirtatious and often teases Axel, whom he lives with.
Axel Monroe - A mysterious murderer, often seen wearing a mask. He is wilfully cruel to other people and enjoys putting pain unto others, be it mental or physical. He likes to keep a low profile, and is rather intelligent. However, he is not physically that strong and he is also incredibly easily flustered, especially by Douglas, who he has some...complicated feelings about.
The Superintendent - A lumbering, unnamed alien who was abandoned by her family on Earth after she was born with several critical defects both physically and mentally. They abandoned her on Earth out of shame and she has a goal to use or slaughter as many earthlings as she can so that her people notice her and take her back. She has the ability to control curses, both in objects and people, and is one of the main reasons why Douglas is a murderer today, however, she has since been apparently murdered also, ironically also by Douglas.
Azariah Pierre - Former girlfriend of Douglas whom he murdered. Azariah was very loving and silly, and enjoyed reading and journalling. She didn't notice what was wrong with Douglas until it was too late, and he feels immense guilt over killing her.
Juniper 'June' Ruby Blaine - A goofy and loveable autistic teenage girl who is friendly and fun. She enjoys being with her small, comfy group of friends, swimming, and scrapbooking.
Hellbent Casino:
Chancellor Lincoln AKA Sir Genesis - in an alternate, slightly more advanced world, Chancellor is a cyborg who rebuilt himself after he realised that human society was 'stagnating'. He runs a casino which is entirely serviced by robots or cyborgs, however the casino is merely a disguise for his behind-the-scenes endgame; to turn the entire world into robots and cyborgs, as he believes them to be better.
Silas Chaplin - TV-headed robot working as a bartender at the casino. One of Chancellor's earlier attempts at a robot with more sentience and personality, he is a bit glitchy, with a glitched eye as well as a rather 'shocking' accidental ability to zap people with electricty. He is over-the-top and foolhardy, rather fond of his boss, to the point of almost sucking up to him, and enjoys teasing and irritating his coworker, Everard.
Everard Elziar - Another TV-headed casino robot, a bouncer and general guard. He is rather hotheaded and easily infuriated, however tries (to varying degrees of success) to keep this down in order to not anger his boss. He's rather materialistic and serious, liking to keep everything in line and having no tolerance for foolish people or troublemakers. He believes Chancellor's goal is good however has some questionable tactics, and cannot stand the annoyance of his coworker Silas.
Byzik AKA 'BIT' - Bit is a general assistance robot who assists anyone who requires it and provides general information, directions, etc. He is very peaceful and friendly, believing that everyone deserves respect, even those of questionable intentions. He vows not to hurt anyone, however, he has a mode that can be activated by Chancellor that "turns off" his desire to be kind and allows him to 'eliminate' disturbances, which upsets him afterwards.
T.E.R.A - a robot who works solely behind the scenes as a scientist, assistant, and technician, alongside Chancellor. She has less emotions and self-awareness than other robots in the casino, however she is not completely void of such things, and sometimes wonders what it would be like to have more emotions or even be human.
Another very WIP character who is a human and sides with T.E.R.A to get inside info.
Heaven's Advocate/general fantasy universe:
Amator - In a seperate alternate world where all your wildest fantasy dreams are true, Amator is a minor deity of love, affection and relationships. He is relatively young in God terms and often finds himself pairing up people just for fun, rather than for the betterment of their lives or helping them find soulmates, much to the dismay and disapproval of his peers.
Athene - Main Goddess of warfare, perserverance, hope and bonds. She sometimes acts as a mentor to Amator, trying to teach him to be less childish and make less impulsive decisions.
Chaos - God of the void, the first being in existence to be created. A massive tentacled being with the ability to change its size. Not much is known about him outside the world of the Gods, and not many know if he is good or evil, however he is known to be extremely stubborn. You will not be able to change his mind once he has made a decision and god forbid you if you try.
Cassius Abalos Sistrurus - A naga/snake-person merchant and trader who has their own shop in a desert town. They also travel from place-to-place, selling goods and purchasing shiny things. They sell trinkets and objects said to have good value or even magic ability. Although they may seem intimidating at first, Cassius is good-hearted and actually relatively small and weak in comparison to other naga, who they actively avoid.
Lotus Lagunov - A half-human, half-water-nymph shark-like girl who ran away from her parents at a young age. She lives around a seaside town, where she met her now-lover, Yuuko. She is quite outgoing and childish, often acting reckless and doing dangerous things for fun, where she needs Yuuko to reel her in a bit.
Yuuko Ziyamiya - A solemn, sword-wielding Avian (relatives of bird-people hybrids, but with only bird wings) who was quite aloof and serious until she met Lotus. She can be overprotective and unwilling to do anything outside of her comfort zone, and Lotus helps her to 'loosen up' and be more relaxed and have more fun.
Gizmo - A very tall and lanky genderless clown who does all they can to make other people happy and cheer them up. They are quite loud, outgoing, and overbearing. They would do anything to make people happy, which can result in them going to rather extreme lengths to do so...
if you read all of this you have issues /j
nah but ty for reading all of this and i hope to post my oc's here sometime in the future :)
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gallopingbear · 8 months ago
Also... would it be ok for someone to maybe visit and help a friend of mine with learning how to read and count... i wanna help him too
That would be possible, yes... where do they hail from? - Miriam
Earth. technically
earthy boys... Akuji will like that. - Zane
mhm... - Drench
Or he'll sigh and be all "oh woe is me, more work!" - Loxo
nah he'd be chill, he's still got help. - Elliot
>:p - Loxo
[Leaf is chatting to someone quietly over a phone that is so so small in his hand]
yea... just a check in.. nono it's nice i promise... that'd be great, thank you :]
[Wurm is up and about, mostly messing with small trinkets around the room, sticking sticky notes up and repositioning things.]
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diversegaminglists · 8 years ago
African Diaspora Protagonists
Since February is Black History Month I took a moment to compile this from my other lists.
Content Warnings: Brief mentions of rape and slavery.
African-American Men:
1954 Alcatraz (Joe)
50 Cent: Bullet Broof & Blood in the Sand (50 Cent)
Aliens Vs. Predator (2010 - Marine Campaign “Rookie”)
Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry
Bad Day L.A.
Blade & Blade 2
Crysis 3
Dead or Alive (Zack)
Def Jam Vendetta Franchise (Redman, Method Man, Ludacris & Nyne)
Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy (Tyler Miles is occasionally a playable character but he is still a secondary character for purposes of the story)
Freedom: Rebels In The Darkness (This game is about slavery)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (C. J.)
House of the Dead: Overkill (Isaac Washington)
Killer7 (Garcian Smith)
Killer Instinct (T. J. Combo)
Left 4 Dead
Left of Centre ®(VN)(Yaoi)
Mass Effect Galaxy
Men of Valor (Dean Shepard)
Moonwalker (Michael Jackson)
Mortal Kombat (Jax)
Papa and Yo
Prototype 2
Resident Evil: Outbreak Franchise (Mark Wilkins, Jim Chapman)
Sanity: Aiken’s Artifact
Shadow Man Franchise
Sin Franchise (John R. Blade)
State of Decay (Marcus Campbell)
Street Fighter (Balrog)
Tekken (Bruce Irwin)
True Crime: New York City (Marcus Reed)
Unreal 2 (John Dalton)
The Walking Dead Season 1
Watchdogs 2 (Marcus Holloway)
African-American Women:
Bebe’s Kids
Black Closet
Call of Jurez: The Cartel (Kim Evans)
Catwoman (Based on the 2004 film staring Halle Berry)
Enter the Matrix (Niobe)
Freedom: Rebels In The Darkness (This is a game about slavery)
Garden Dash (Barb)
Hunter: The Reckoning (Samantha Alexander)
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (Ellen - note she is a rape survivor and her story dwells on the rape)
Left 4 Dead 2 (Rochelle)
Mortal Kombat (Jacqui Briggs)
Romance is Dead (Madelaine “Maddie” Washington)
Rulers of Nations (First Lady Michelle Obama)
Rumble Roses (Aisha)
State of Chaos (Sam Hoffman)
Urban Chaos (D'arci Stern)
The Walking Dead Season 2
The Walking Dead: Michonne
Afro Brazilian:
Tekken (Eddy Gordo & Tiger Jackson)
Alien Isolation: The Trigger (DLC - Ricardo)
Street Fighter (Birdie - he was originally white in his first appearance and later changed, Dudley)
Team Fortress 2 (Demoman, technically Scottish)
Street Fighter (ThunderHawk, Sean Matsuda is Afro-Brazilian-Japanese)
Tekken (Raven)
Remember Me
Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation
Tropico 3 (François Duvalier)
Tropico 4 (François Duvalier)
Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties
Street Fighter (Dee Jay)
Akuji: The Heartless (Voudoun themed)
Silver Creek Falls
Starhawk (Emmett is clearly intended to be at least partly of African descent, but his background is never explicitly stated.)
Starship Inanna
Steel Harbinger (Miranda Bowen)
Virtua Fighter (Vanessa Lewis)
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fandomindulgences · 5 years ago
I love them.
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@fandomindulgences‘ patreon reward for March & April!
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c00kietin · 1 year ago
I hope the blue feline fella's doing okay though- I think they need to have a break and have a KitKat 😌/ref
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Close call....
For the past few days I've been absolutely hit with the comic urge and this is the result :) some nice Rey lore <3
Im sure this is nothing. What do you mean that box looks evil? It's just a little quirky, I swear.
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